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Rabu, 30 Maret 2016

Common Problems In Recognizing The Verbs

Common Problems In Recognizing The Verbs

Some of you might have duduk kasus regarding to the verbs in English grammar. Most of the duduk kasus are commonly about recognizing the verb. Which on this post, you'll find it simply explained, quiet useful, and easy to understand.

How To Recognize Action Verbs, Helping Verbs, and Verb Phrases

A verb expresses the action of the subject.

Examples :
  • The aircraft turned for an emergency landing.
  • Martha remembered to call the switchboard supervisor.

Note that, a sentence may have two or more separate verbs.
e.g. The teller smiled and asked us to endorse the check.

In addition to action verbs, we also have helping verbs (sometimes called auxiliary verbs). Here are the twenty-three helping verbs :
  • Was
  • Were
  • Is
  • Am
  • Are
  • Be
  • Being
  • Been
  • Has
  • Had
  • Have
  • Do
  • Does
  • Did
  • Shall
  • Will
  • Should
  • Would
  • May
  • Might
  • Must
  • Can
  • Could

Remember, many of these helping verbs may be used alone as the main verb.

Examples :
  • I had the wrench in my tool box.
  • He is strong.

Whenever a main verb is combined with one, two, or three helping verbs, a verb phrase is formed.

Examples :
  • Apprenticeship applicants in the building trades are required to be in good health. (verb phrase)
  • Our body shop personnel should have repaired the dents in your fender. (verb phrase)

So, when you are looking for the verb in sentences containing contractions, remember that part of the contraction may represent a verb. e.g. You've ruined the new uniforms for our employees.

've stands for have, a helping verb which is part of the verb phrase have ruined.

How To Recognize Linking Verbs

Most of verbs express physical or mental action, but some verbs help to complete a statement by linking a predicate noun (a word that stands for the same thing as the subject) or a predicate adjective (a word that describes the subject) to the subject.

Do not confuse the direct object with the predicate noun. The direct object will always be a word that applies to something different from the subject.

Example 1 :

Lassie is a dog.

The predicate noun (dog) stands for the same thing as the subject Lassie. Dog is linked to Lassie by the linking verb is.

Example 2 :

Lassie is beautiful.

The predicate adjective (beautiful) describes the subject Lassie. The verb is links Lassie and beautiful.

Example 3 :

Lassie buried a bone.

Bone does not stands for Lassie; it answers the question.

What did Lassie bury?
Bone is the direct object, and buried is not a linking verb.

Please notice that the verbs in the first two examples do not express action; they link the subject to the word following the verb. In the third example the verb buried tells what Lassie (subject) did.

Some verbs may function as either action or linking verbs.

Examples :
  • Jim looked thin. (looked is a linking verb)
  • Jim looked for his lab equipment. (looked is an action verb)
  • Marry appeared in a television commercial. (action verb)
  • Marry appeared happy. (linking verb)

The most frequently used linking verb are the various forms of the verb be (is, am, are, was, were, been). Remember that forms of be also function as helping verbs.

Examples :
  • The uniform of our drivers are brown. (linking verb)
  • The wages of intercity bus drivers are computed on a mileage basis. (helping verbs)

Among other words that function as linking verbs are appear, become, feel, get (when it means become), grow, remain, seem, smell, sound, and taste.
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Common Problems In Recognizing The Verbs

Common Problems In Recognizing The Verbs

Some of you might have duduk kasus regarding to the verbs in English grammar. Most of the duduk kasus are commonly about recognizing the verb. Which on this post, you'll find it simply explained, quiet useful, and easy to understand.

How To Recognize Action Verbs, Helping Verbs, and Verb Phrases

A verb expresses the action of the subject.

Examples :
  • The aircraft turned for an emergency landing.
  • Martha remembered to call the switchboard supervisor.

Note that, a sentence may have two or more separate verbs.
e.g. The teller smiled and asked us to endorse the check.

In addition to action verbs, we also have helping verbs (sometimes called auxiliary verbs). Here are the twenty-three helping verbs :
  • Was
  • Were
  • Is
  • Am
  • Are
  • Be
  • Being
  • Been
  • Has
  • Had
  • Have
  • Do
  • Does
  • Did
  • Shall
  • Will
  • Should
  • Would
  • May
  • Might
  • Must
  • Can
  • Could

Remember, many of these helping verbs may be used alone as the main verb.

Examples :
  • I had the wrench in my tool box.
  • He is strong.

Whenever a main verb is combined with one, two, or three helping verbs, a verb phrase is formed.

Examples :
  • Apprenticeship applicants in the building trades are required to be in good health. (verb phrase)
  • Our body shop personnel should have repaired the dents in your fender. (verb phrase)

So, when you are looking for the verb in sentences containing contractions, remember that part of the contraction may represent a verb. e.g. You've ruined the new uniforms for our employees.

've stands for have, a helping verb which is part of the verb phrase have ruined.

How To Recognize Linking Verbs

Most of verbs express physical or mental action, but some verbs help to complete a statement by linking a predicate noun (a word that stands for the same thing as the subject) or a predicate adjective (a word that describes the subject) to the subject.

Do not confuse the direct object with the predicate noun. The direct object will always be a word that applies to something different from the subject.

Example 1 :

Lassie is a dog.

The predicate noun (dog) stands for the same thing as the subject Lassie. Dog is linked to Lassie by the linking verb is.

Example 2 :

Lassie is beautiful.

The predicate adjective (beautiful) describes the subject Lassie. The verb is links Lassie and beautiful.

Example 3 :

Lassie buried a bone.

Bone does not stands for Lassie; it answers the question.

What did Lassie bury?
Bone is the direct object, and buried is not a linking verb.

Please notice that the verbs in the first two examples do not express action; they link the subject to the word following the verb. In the third example the verb buried tells what Lassie (subject) did.

Some verbs may function as either action or linking verbs.

Examples :
  • Jim looked thin. (looked is a linking verb)
  • Jim looked for his lab equipment. (looked is an action verb)
  • Marry appeared in a television commercial. (action verb)
  • Marry appeared happy. (linking verb)

The most frequently used linking verb are the various forms of the verb be (is, am, are, was, were, been). Remember that forms of be also function as helping verbs.

Examples :
  • The uniform of our drivers are brown. (linking verb)
  • The wages of intercity bus drivers are computed on a mileage basis. (helping verbs)

Among other words that function as linking verbs are appear, become, feel, get (when it means become), grow, remain, seem, smell, sound, and taste.
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Selasa, 29 Maret 2016

Sistem Ekskresi Pada Manusia: Ginjal (Urinaria)

Ekekresi ialah proses pengolahan dan pengeluaran zat sisa metabolisme yang sudah tidak terpakai lagi dan akan membahayakan badan kalau tidak dibuang. Sistem ekskresi pada insan terdiri dari 4 organ dasar, yaitu: Ginjal, Hati, Paru-paru, dan Kulit. Pembahasan kali ini akan berfokus pada sistem urinaria atau sistem ekskresi yang menghasilkan urin (air seni) dengan organ utamanya berupa ginjal. Pembahasan Hati, Paru, dan Kulit silakan klik di sini.

Gambar 1. Skema Sistem Ekskresi


Sistem urinaria merupakan sistem eksresi utama. Sistem ini dijalankan oleh organ yang disebut ginjal. Ginjal berbentuk ibarat kacang merah, dengan ukuran sekepalan tangan, berjumlah sepasang (kanan dan kiri), terletak di pinggang kepingan belakang. Dalam menjalankan fungsinya, ginjal tidak bekerja sendiri, ginjal hanya berfungsi untuk memproduksi urin, sedangkan pengeluarannya melalui susukan keluar ginjal yang terdiri dari ureter, kandung kemih, dan uretra. Ginjal dibagi dalam 3 bagian, korteks (kulit), medula (sumsum), dan pelvis.

Gambar 2. Ginjal Manusia, sumber: biology 9th edition (Campbell, et. al.)

Korteks (Kulit Ginjal)

Korteks ginjal ialah lapisan terluar ginjal. Lapisan ini dipenuhi oleh pembuluh darah dan saluran-saluran halus yang disebut dengan Nefron. Pada kepingan ini terdapat gulungan pembuluh darah kapiler yang disebut dengan Glomerulus. Glomerulus dibungkus oleh pangkal Nefron yang disebut Simpai Bowman, struktur ini disebut Badan Malphigi. Selain Badan Malphigi, susukan Nefron yang berada di wilayah korteks mencakup Tubulus Proksimal dan Tubulus Distal. Korteks berperan penting dalam penyaringan darah dan absorpsi zat berkhasiat dari dalam urin.

Medula (Sumsum Ginjal)

Medula merupakan lapisan ginjal yang berada di tengah-tengah. Medula mengisi sebagian besar ginjal, dan merupakan wilayah yang penting bagi proses pemekatan urin. Medula berbentuk segitiga tumpul, dan berisi kelanjutan saluran-saluran Nefron dari korteks. Namun tidak semua susukan Nefron masuk ke Medula. Nefron yang menembus Medula disebut dengan Nefron Jukstamedulari, sedangkan Nefron yang hanya ada pada Korteks disebut dengan Nefron Kortikal. Saluran Nefron Jukstamedulari yang berada pada kepingan medula hanya ada 2, yaitu Lengkung Henle dan Duktus Pengumpul.

Pelvis Renalis

Pelvis renalis merupakan muara dari banyak sekali duktus pengumpul dari seluruh medula ginjal.FUngsinya ialah menghubungkan ginjal dengan susukan keluar ginjal. Pelvis Renalis menyambung dengan ureter.

Gambar 3. Korteks dan Medula Ginjal, sumber: biology 9th edition (Campbell, et. al.)


Ureter merupakan susukan berbentuk pipa yang merupakan kelanjutan dari pelvis renalis. Ureter berjumlah sepasang dan bermuara di sebuah kandung kemih.

Kandung Kemih (Vesika Urinaria)

Kandung kemih merupakan sebuah kantung penampungan sementara yang terkahir bagi urin sejati sebelum dikeluarkan ke lingkungan melalui uretra. Kandung kemih mempunyai dua susukan masuk (ureter) dan satu susukan keluar (uretra).


Uretra merupakan susukan keluar terakhir urin sejati. Uretra berupa susukan dengan dinding cukup lentur untuk mengembang dan menyusut ketika dilewati urin. Hal ini dikarenakan uretra dilapisi epitel kubus berlapis transisional. Pada laki-laki, uretra juga berfungsi sebagai susukan reproduksi.


Fungsi pembentukan urin dilakukan oleh unit fungsional ginjal yang disebut dengan Nefron. Nefron merupakan saluran-saluran halus yang berpangkal pada gulungan pembuluh darah di kepingan korteks ginjal, dan bermuara pada pelvis renalis.

Gambar 4. Nefron dan Bagiannya, sumber: biology 9th edition (Campbell, et. al.)

Nefron mempunyai beberapa kepingan dimana setiap bagiannya mempunyai fungsi masing-masing. Kelima kepingan tersebut dan fungsinya ialah sebagai berikut:

Glomerulus: Filtrasi / Penyaringan Darah

Glomerulus, ibarat klarifikasi awal, merupakan gulungan pembuluh darah yang dibungkus oleh simpai Bowman. Glomerulus mempunyai fungsi untuk menyaring darah (filtrasi) dengan mencegah molekul besar ibarat protein, lemak, dan polisakarida masuk ke dalam urin dan meloloskan molekul kecil ibarat asam amino, glukosa, dan garam mineral. Dengan adanya fungsi ini, maka sangat mustahil, secara normal, ditemukan adanya darah dalam urin. Cairan hasil filtrasi glomerulus yang masuk ke dalam susukan nefron disebut urin primer.

Tubulus Proksimal: Reabsorbsi / Penyerapan Kembali Molekul Berguna

Urin primer hasil filtrasi glomerulus selanjutnya memasuki susukan yang disebut dengan Tubulus Proksimal (TKP). Urin primer yang masih mengandung molekul kecil yang, mungkin, masih diharapkan badan harus dijernihkan dengan menyerap kembali molekul-molekul tersebut (Reabsorbsi). Molekul yang diserap kembali itu ialah Asam bikarbonat, Air, NaCl, Nutrients (glukosa, asam amino, vitamin, dll), dan ion K. Setelah semua molekul itu diserap, maka urin berada dalam keadaan paling jernihnya, urin ini disebut urin sekunder.

Gambar 5. Nefron dan Proses yang Terjadi, sumber: biologi 9th edition (Campbell, et. al.)

Lengkung Henle: Bagaimana Kepekatan Urin Diatur

Lengkung Henle merupakan susukan Nefron yang mempunyai susukan turun dan susukan naik dengan lengkungan di kepingan dasarnya. Lengkung Henle mempunyai fungsi mengatur kepekatan urin. Urin skunder dari Tubulus Proksimal mempunyai kejernihan yang tinggi, sehingga sangat encer. Ketika memasuki susukan menurun lengkung Henle, urin sekunder dipekatkan dengan menyerap air yang tersisa, sehingga kondisi kepekatan maksimal pada dasar lengkung Henle. Kemudian, ketika urin sekunder memasuki susukan naik lengkung Henle, urin sekunder akan kembali diencerkan dengan menyerap kembali NaCl yang masih tersisa. Pada kepingan ini juga terjadi penambahan urea (sisa metabolisme asam amino di hati), yang menimbulkan urin berbau khas (pesing). Sampai diujung lengkung Henle, urin sekunder berada pada kondisi yang paling encer.

Tubulus Distal: Augmentasi / Sebuah Mekanisme Penghematan Air

Urin sekunder dari lengkung Henle akan memasuki Tubulus Distal. Pada tubulus ini, urin sekunder mengalami augmentasi, yaitu diserap darinya air, NaCl, dan Asam bikarbonat. Secara khusus, proses ini disebut absorpsi air. Mekanisme ini ialah salah satu upaya, terakhir, bagi badan untuk mencegah kehilangan air berlebih. Namun, kalau kondisi air dalam badan melimpah, maka melalui proses ini juga air akan dibuang ke urin. Hasil dari augmentasi ialah urin sejati.

Gambar 6. Pemekatan Urin, sumber: biology 9th edition (Campbell, et. al.)

Duktus Pengumpul: Saluran Temu Nefron

Disebut Duktus Pengumpul bukan lantaran fungsinya menampung urin, melainkan lantaran menjadi susukan temu (kumpul) beberapa susukan nefron lainya. tidak banyak proses yang terjadi di sepanjang Duktus Pengumpul, melainkan hanya absorpsi air dan NaCl yang menimbulkan urin semakin pekat sempurna sesaat sebelum dimasukkan ke pelvis renalis untuk kemudian dikeluarkan dari badan melalui susukan keluar ginjal.


Gangguan ini mempunyai tanda-tanda adanya glukosa di dalam urin. Keberadaan glukosa sanggup diketahui dengan mengamati bekas kemih di toilet atau WC, kalau terdapat semut yang mengerubunginya maka bisa dimungkinkan pemiliki urin menderita glikosuria. Glikosuria ialah penyakit yang disebabkan oleh kerusakan pada Tubulus Proksimal, sehingga menimbulkan absorpsi molekul kecil, utamanya glukosa, tidak bisa diserap kembali.

Gangguan ini ditandai dengan adanya protein dalam urin. Protein utama dalam urin yang dimaksud ialah Albumin yang memang berada dalam darah. Secara normal, mestinya tidak perlu ada protein dalam urin, lantaran sudah disaring pada glomerulus (filtrasi). Namun, kerusakan glomerulus sanggup memungkinkan gangguan ini terjadi.

Secara normal, poliuria bukanlah gangguan. Hanya berupa pembiasaan fisiologis badan terhadap kelebihan cairan atau yang lain. Poliuria merupakan keadaan dimana seseorang terlalu banyak mengeluarkan urin. Hal ini sanggup dipicu oleh cuaca dingin, konsumsi obat atau komplemen (misalnya, vitamin), atau ketika kondisi badan melemah atau demam. Gejalanya ialah penderita akan mengalami kemih (buang air kecil) lebih sering atau lebih banyak dari biasanya.

Gangguan ini ialah kebalikan dari Poliuria, yaitu gangguan dimana urin yang dihasilkan sangat seidkit. Namun, oligouria mempunyai efek yang lebih serius, lantaran bisa menjadi indikasi kegagalan ginjal dalam meproduksi urin

Anuria ialah bentuk gangguan yang sering terjadi jawaban kegagalan ginjal memproduksi urin. Hal ini sanggup terjadi sebagai gangguan lanjutan Albuminuria dan Oligouria. Anuria sangat berbahaya karena sanggup menimbulkan keracunan jawaban darah yang terkotori oleh urin (Uremia). Jika hal ini terjadi, maka penanggulangan dengan cara dialisis darah (cuci darah) ialah langkah yang bijak.

Nefritis ialah radang nefron jawaban benjol basil atau erosi oleh alkohol. Nefritis menimbulkan rusaknya susukan nefron, baik sementara atau permanen, yang menimbulkan proses pembentukan urin menjadi terganggu. Jika Nefritis terus berlanjut dan semakin parah, sanggup menimbulkan penyakit yang lebih berbahaya, ibarat gagal ginjal.

Diabetes Melitus
Diabetes melitus (DM) sesungguhnya bukan gangguan pada urinaria. DM merupakan penyakit yang disebabkan badan tidak bisa menghasilkan insulin untuk menyerap glukosa dalam darah, sehingga kadar glukosa dalam darah sangat tinggi. Kadar glukosa yang sangat tinggi ini menimbulkan proses urinaria menjadi berat, terutama dalam reabsorbsi di tubulus proksimal. Karena terlalu banyaknya glukosa dalam urin, sehingga tidak memungkinkan semua glukosa diserap di tubulus proksimal, risikonya urin penderita DM mengandung glukosa. Gejalanya persis dengan Glikosuria, namun penyebabnya yang berbeda.

Diabetes Insipidus
Diabetes insipidus (DI) diakibatkan oleh ketidakmampuan badan menghasilkan hormon antideuretik (ADH). Hormon tersebut berkhasiat untuk meningkatkan permeabilitas tubulus distal, sehingga absorpsi air semakin ditingkatkan. Penderita DI akan kekurangan banyak ADH yang diperlukan, sehingga permeabilitas tubulus distal menurun, menimbulkan absorpsi air tidak terlaksana, sehingga urin menjadi encer dan banyak (volumenya). Gejalanya ibarat dengan poliuria, hanya saja DI lebih sistemik.

Demikian dulu materi biologi mengenai sistem eksresi pada insan khusus pada urinaria atau organ ginjal. Semoga materi ini bermanfaat bagi kalian semua. Akan lebih baik kalau kalian meninggalkan KOMENTAR dan men-SHARE artikel ini. Terima kasih.
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Senin, 28 Maret 2016

Get To Know About Adverbial Clause. What Are They?

Get To Know About Adverbial Clause. What Are They?

Adverbial clause is a dependent clause used as an adverb; it therefore can modify a verb, an adjective, a verbal, another adverb, or a sentence.

Examples :
  • John went home early.
  • John went home as soon as he could.

Subordinating words in adverbial clause

A subordinate conjunction introduces the adverbial clause and connect it with a word in the main clause. The following are frequently used subordinating conjunctions :
  • After
  • Although
  • As
  • As if
  • As/so long as
  • As soon as
  • Because
  • Before
  • Even if
  • Even though
  • For fear that
  • If
  • In order that
  • No matter if
  • On condition that
  • Provided (that)
  • Since
  • So that
  • So... that
  • Such... that/... such that
  • Supposing (that)
  • Than
  • Though
  • Unless
  • Until
  • Whatever
  • When
  • Whenever
  • Where
  • Wherever
  • Whether
  • While

The following are examples of adverbial clause arranged according to the meaning of the subordinate conjunction.

1. Adverbial Clause of Time

When, whenever, while, since, after, before, until, as.

Examples :
  • Abraham Lincoln maintained great interest in legal studies when he was president.
  • He read law books whenever he had the chance.
  • He worked as a lawyer after he finished his education.
  • He had wanted to be a lawyer since he was a young boy.

2. Adverbial Clause of Place

Where, wherever.

Examples :
  • I have always lived where I was born.
  • We will meet wherever the committee decides.

3. Adverbial Clause of Manner

As, as if.

Examples :
  • I will do as I have been instructed.
  • He acted as if he owned the place.

4. Adverbial Clause of Comparison

As, than

Examples :
  • I don't swim as well as he does.
  • However, I swim better than she does.

5. Adverbial Clause of Reason, cause, purpose

As, because, so that, in order that, for fear that, since.

Examples :
  • As/Since you have already studied that chapter, it will not be necessary to read it again.
  • The instructions are to read that chapter so that we will be prepared to take the examination.
  • I will study the chapter so that I can pass the examination.
  • I read the chapter in order that I might be prepared to take the examination.
  • I read that chapter several times for fear that I might not be prepared for the examination.

6. Adverbial Clause of Result

So..., that, such... that/... such that.
Examples :

  • The book was so interesting that I read it in one evening.
  • It was such an interesting book that I read it in one evening.
  • His skill was such that he solved the duduk perkara very rapidly.

7. Adverbial Clause of Condition

If, whether, unless, provided (that), on condition, that, as/so long as, supposing (that).

Examples :
  • He will sign the contract if it is satisfactory.
  • He will sign the contract whether it is satisfactory or not.
  • He will not sign the contract unless it is satisfactory.
  • He will sign the contract as long as his wife has no objections.

8. Adverbial Clause of Contrast, concession

Although, though, even though, no matter if, while, even if, wherever, whenever, whatever, as much as, whereas.

Examples :
  • Wherever I sat in class, my teacher always made sure I could hear.
  • Whenever I spoke, they always listened patiently.
  • Whatever I may achieve, my fellow students and teachers deserve a lot of credit.
  • I wanted to excel in everything, no matter if it cost me extra effort.

Adverbial clause are subordinate clauses which act as an adverbial part of another clause (i.e. of a main clause). They can answer such questions as "when, why, if what, and what for?".

Example :
  • Zoe and I once met when we were at school. (clause of time)
  • I won't know her if we meet again. (conditional clause)
  • Although Grandpa is over eighty, he is still very active. (clause of contrast)
  • I bought a new typewriter because the old one was broken. (clause of reason and cause)
  • Where shall we go for a walk? "We can go wherever you like." (clause of place)

MeaningConjunctions which begin the clause
TimeAfter, before, as, once, since, until, when, whenever, while.
ConditionIf, unless.
ContrastAlthough, whereas, while.
Reason and CauseBecause, since, as.
PlaceWhere, wherever.

Others :
  • As soon as,
  • Immediately,
  • As long as,
  • Even though,
  • Seeing that,
  • In order to,
  • In order that,
  • So that, etc.
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Get To Know About Adverbial Clause. What Are They?

Get To Know About Adverbial Clause. What Are They?

Adverbial clause is a dependent clause used as an adverb; it therefore can modify a verb, an adjective, a verbal, another adverb, or a sentence.

Examples :
  • John went home early.
  • John went home as soon as he could.

Subordinating words in adverbial clause

A subordinate conjunction introduces the adverbial clause and connect it with a word in the main clause. The following are frequently used subordinating conjunctions :
  • After
  • Although
  • As
  • As if
  • As/so long as
  • As soon as
  • Because
  • Before
  • Even if
  • Even though
  • For fear that
  • If
  • In order that
  • No matter if
  • On condition that
  • Provided (that)
  • Since
  • So that
  • So... that
  • Such... that/... such that
  • Supposing (that)
  • Than
  • Though
  • Unless
  • Until
  • Whatever
  • When
  • Whenever
  • Where
  • Wherever
  • Whether
  • While

The following are examples of adverbial clause arranged according to the meaning of the subordinate conjunction.

1. Adverbial Clause of Time

When, whenever, while, since, after, before, until, as.

Examples :
  • Abraham Lincoln maintained great interest in legal studies when he was president.
  • He read law books whenever he had the chance.
  • He worked as a lawyer after he finished his education.
  • He had wanted to be a lawyer since he was a young boy.

2. Adverbial Clause of Place

Where, wherever.

Examples :
  • I have always lived where I was born.
  • We will meet wherever the committee decides.

3. Adverbial Clause of Manner

As, as if.

Examples :
  • I will do as I have been instructed.
  • He acted as if he owned the place.

4. Adverbial Clause of Comparison

As, than

Examples :
  • I don't swim as well as he does.
  • However, I swim better than she does.

5. Adverbial Clause of Reason, cause, purpose

As, because, so that, in order that, for fear that, since.

Examples :
  • As/Since you have already studied that chapter, it will not be necessary to read it again.
  • The instructions are to read that chapter so that we will be prepared to take the examination.
  • I will study the chapter so that I can pass the examination.
  • I read the chapter in order that I might be prepared to take the examination.
  • I read that chapter several times for fear that I might not be prepared for the examination.

6. Adverbial Clause of Result

So..., that, such... that/... such that.
Examples :

  • The book was so interesting that I read it in one evening.
  • It was such an interesting book that I read it in one evening.
  • His skill was such that he solved the duduk perkara very rapidly.

7. Adverbial Clause of Condition

If, whether, unless, provided (that), on condition, that, as/so long as, supposing (that).

Examples :
  • He will sign the contract if it is satisfactory.
  • He will sign the contract whether it is satisfactory or not.
  • He will not sign the contract unless it is satisfactory.
  • He will sign the contract as long as his wife has no objections.

8. Adverbial Clause of Contrast, concession

Although, though, even though, no matter if, while, even if, wherever, whenever, whatever, as much as, whereas.

Examples :
  • Wherever I sat in class, my teacher always made sure I could hear.
  • Whenever I spoke, they always listened patiently.
  • Whatever I may achieve, my fellow students and teachers deserve a lot of credit.
  • I wanted to excel in everything, no matter if it cost me extra effort.

Adverbial clause are subordinate clauses which act as an adverbial part of another clause (i.e. of a main clause). They can answer such questions as "when, why, if what, and what for?".

Example :
  • Zoe and I once met when we were at school. (clause of time)
  • I won't know her if we meet again. (conditional clause)
  • Although Grandpa is over eighty, he is still very active. (clause of contrast)
  • I bought a new typewriter because the old one was broken. (clause of reason and cause)
  • Where shall we go for a walk? "We can go wherever you like." (clause of place)

MeaningConjunctions which begin the clause
TimeAfter, before, as, once, since, until, when, whenever, while.
ConditionIf, unless.
ContrastAlthough, whereas, while.
Reason and CauseBecause, since, as.
PlaceWhere, wherever.

Others :
  • As soon as,
  • Immediately,
  • As long as,
  • Even though,
  • Seeing that,
  • In order to,
  • In order that,
  • So that, etc.
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Minggu, 20 Maret 2016

Examples Of Adverb Of Manner, Time  Place

Examples Of Adverb Of Manner, Time Place

An Adverb adds information to a clause (e.g. about the time or place of an action). Here the adverb is called an adverbial. And adverb add information to another word, such as an adjective or another adverb. Here the adverb is called a modifier.

1. Adverb of Manner (e.g. hard, fast, slowly, quickly, which show how or in what manner).

Examples :
  • She teaches her student well.
  • The doctor observes his patients carefully.

2. Adverb of Time (e.g. now, soon, recently, which show when).

Examples :
  • My nephew arrived at 07.00 yesterday morning.
  • I have to go to the post office tomorrow.

3. Adverb of Place (e.g. upstairs, there, up, above, here, which show where).

Examples :
  • She lives here with her parents.
  • What are they doing upstairs?

Here an examples of text using these 3 types of adverb : 

Mom was early coming home because her shopping trip was terrible. She was enthusiastic when she left the house because there were many new clothes she wanted to buy.

First, she tied on a blue skirt. The skirt looked good, but the fit was terrible, it was loose. So she tried on a black skirt, but it was tight.

When she took the skirt off she was careless, and the zipper broke. She tried to be careful when she fixed the zipper, but it got stuck. She couldn't get the skirt on or off. She became anxious and pulled on the zipper, but it sill wouldn't move.

She didn't know what to do. Even though she felt shy, she called for a saleswoman. The saleswoman was glad to help. She tried to unzip the skirt, but she was also unsuccessful.

Mom was brave. She was calm as she waited. The saleswoman got some scissors and made a neat cut near the zipper. Mom was quick to leave the store.

As you can see above, there are some sentences using those adverbs. Thank you!
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Examples Of Adverb Of Manner, Time  Place

Examples Of Adverb Of Manner, Time Place

An Adverb adds information to a clause (e.g. about the time or place of an action). Here the adverb is called an adverbial. And adverb add information to another word, such as an adjective or another adverb. Here the adverb is called a modifier.

1. Adverb of Manner (e.g. hard, fast, slowly, quickly, which show how or in what manner).

Examples :
  • She teaches her student well.
  • The doctor observes his patients carefully.

2. Adverb of Time (e.g. now, soon, recently, which show when).

Examples :
  • My nephew arrived at 07.00 yesterday morning.
  • I have to go to the post office tomorrow.

3. Adverb of Place (e.g. upstairs, there, up, above, here, which show where).

Examples :
  • She lives here with her parents.
  • What are they doing upstairs?

Here an examples of text using these 3 types of adverb : 

Mom was early coming home because her shopping trip was terrible. She was enthusiastic when she left the house because there were many new clothes she wanted to buy.

First, she tied on a blue skirt. The skirt looked good, but the fit was terrible, it was loose. So she tried on a black skirt, but it was tight.

When she took the skirt off she was careless, and the zipper broke. She tried to be careful when she fixed the zipper, but it got stuck. She couldn't get the skirt on or off. She became anxious and pulled on the zipper, but it sill wouldn't move.

She didn't know what to do. Even though she felt shy, she called for a saleswoman. The saleswoman was glad to help. She tried to unzip the skirt, but she was also unsuccessful.

Mom was brave. She was calm as she waited. The saleswoman got some scissors and made a neat cut near the zipper. Mom was quick to leave the store.

As you can see above, there are some sentences using those adverbs. Thank you!
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Sabtu, 19 Maret 2016

Pola Penggunaan Be Dalam 16 Tenses Bahasa Inggris

Pola Penggunaan Be Dalam 16 Tenses Bahasa Inggris

Tahu kah kamu?

Salah satu hal yang paling penting dalam Bahasa Inggris ialah bahwa setiap kalimat bahasa Inggris harus mengandung verb.

Subject + Verb + …

Bentuk verb tersebut selalu mengikuti aspek atau tenses yang digunakan, menyerupai yang telah ditabulasikan dalam pembahasaan sebelumnya mengenai 16 Tenses dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Dalam Bahasa Indonesia, dilain pihak, kita sering memakai kalimat tanpa verb (kalimat nominal), contohnya :
  • Dia sakit.
  • Saya seorang murid.
  • Mereka di sini.

Jika ketiga kalimat diatas kita terjemahkan eksklusif ke dalam Bahasa Inggris, kalimatnya akan menjadi :
  • He sick.
  • I a student.
  • They here.

Benarkah demikian?

Let’s take a look!

Di kalimat pertama..
Sick ialah adjective.

Di kalimat kedua..
(A) student ialah noun.

Sedangkan di kalimat ketiga..
Here ialah adverb.

Jadi, alasannya ialah ketiga kalimat ini sama sekali tidak mengandung verb, maka tiga-tiganya ialah salah.

Lantas, verb apa yang sempurna dipakai semoga ketiga kalimat tadi benar?

Untuk kalimat dengan konteks menyerupai ini, adjective, noun atau adverb tersebut ialah menunjukan subjek kalimat.

Verbs yang sanggup dipakai untuk menjembatani subjek kalimat dengan adjective (disebut predicative adjective), dengan noun (disebut predicative nominative), atau dengan adverb ini, secara kolektif disebut linking atau copulative verbs.

Linking verb yang sempurna dipakai untuk ketiga kalimat di atas ialah be (i.e. is, am, are, was, were, be, been), dengan mengikuti referensi berikut :

Subject + Be + Adjective/Noun/Adverb

Dengan catatan :
  • Be menjadi is, am atau are pada kalimat yang memakai simple present tense (see referensi 1) dan present continuous (see referensi 2).
  • Be menjadi was atau were pada kalimat yang memakai simple past tense (see referensi 3) dan past continuous (see referensi 4).
  • Be menjadi been pada kalimat yang memakai perfect tenses (see referensi 5, 6, 7 ,8, 13, 14, 15 & 16).
  • Be tetap be (simple form) pada kalimat yang memakai future tenses (see referensi 9, 10, 11 & 12).
  • Be diikuti oleh being (yaitu, untuk memberi makna sedang in action) pada kalimat-kalimat progressive (see referensi 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 & 16).

Berikut ialah pola-pola penggunaan be pada setiap tenses/aspek dalam Bahasa Inggris :

1. Subject + is/am/are + adjective/noun/adverb [Simple Present]
  • He is sick.
  • I am a student.
  • They are here.

2. Subject + is/am/are + being + adjective/noun/adverb [Present Continuous]
  • He is being sick.
  • I am being a student.
  • They are being here.

3. Subject + was/were + adjective/noun/adverb [Simple Past]
  • He was sick.
  • I was a student.
  • They were here.

4. Subject + was/were + being + adjective/noun/adverb [Past Continuous]
  • He was being sick.
  • I was being a student.
  • They were being here.

5. Subject + has/have + been + adjective/noun/adverb [Present Perfect]
  • He has been sick.
  • I have been a student.
  • They have been here.

6. Subject + has/have + been + being + adjective/noun [Present Perfect Continuous]
  • He has been being sick.
  • I have been being a student.
  • They have been being here.

7. Subject + had + been + adjective/noun/adverb [Past Perfect]
  • He had been sick.
  • I had been a student.
  • They had been here.

8. Subject + had + been + being + adjective/noun/adverb [Past Perfect Continuous]
  • He had been being sick.
  • I had been being a student.
  • They had been being here.

9. Subject + will + be + adjective/noun/adverb [Simple Future]
  • He will be sick.
  • I will be a student.
  • They will be here.

10. Subject + will be + being + adjective/noun/adverb [Future Continuous]
  • He will be being sick.
  • I will be being a student.
  • They will be being here.

11. Subject + would + be + adjective/noun/adverb [Past Future]
  • He would be sick.
  • I would be a student.
  • They would be here.

12. Subject + would + be + being + adjective/noun/adverb [Past Future Continuous]
  • He would be being sick.
  • I would be being a student.
  • They would be being here.

13. Subject + will + have + been + adjective/noun/adverb [Future Perfect]
  • He will have been sick.
  • I will have been a student.
  • They will have been here.

14. Subject + will + have + been + being + adjective/noun/adverb [Future Perfect Continuous]
  • He will have been being sick.
  • I will have been being a student.
  • They will have been being here.

15. Subject + would + have + been + adjective/noun/adverb [Past Future Perfect]
  • He would have been sick.
  • I would have been a student.
  • They would have been here.

16. Subject + would + have + been + being + adjective/noun/adverb [Past Future Perfect Continuous]
  • He would have been being sick.
  • I would have been being a student.
  • They would have been being here.

Note & Remember :
Di referensi kalimat nomor 9, 10, 11 & 12 di atas, gres penggunaan be sehabis modal auxiliary will dan would.

The simple form of be juga dipakai sehabis modal auxiliary lainnya, seperti, can, may, might, shall, should, must, have to (simple future), dan could, might, should, had to (future in the past).
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Pola Penggunaan Be Dalam 16 Tenses Bahasa Inggris

Pola Penggunaan Be Dalam 16 Tenses Bahasa Inggris

Tahu kah kamu?

Salah satu hal yang paling penting dalam Bahasa Inggris ialah bahwa setiap kalimat bahasa Inggris harus mengandung verb.

Subject + Verb + …

Bentuk verb tersebut selalu mengikuti aspek atau tenses yang digunakan, menyerupai yang telah ditabulasikan dalam pembahasaan sebelumnya mengenai 16 Tenses dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Dalam Bahasa Indonesia, dilain pihak, kita sering memakai kalimat tanpa verb (kalimat nominal), contohnya :
  • Dia sakit.
  • Saya seorang murid.
  • Mereka di sini.

Jika ketiga kalimat diatas kita terjemahkan eksklusif ke dalam Bahasa Inggris, kalimatnya akan menjadi :
  • He sick.
  • I a student.
  • They here.

Benarkah demikian?

Let’s take a look!

Di kalimat pertama..
Sick ialah adjective.

Di kalimat kedua..
(A) student ialah noun.

Sedangkan di kalimat ketiga..
Here ialah adverb.

Jadi, alasannya ialah ketiga kalimat ini sama sekali tidak mengandung verb, maka tiga-tiganya ialah salah.

Lantas, verb apa yang sempurna dipakai semoga ketiga kalimat tadi benar?

Untuk kalimat dengan konteks menyerupai ini, adjective, noun atau adverb tersebut ialah menunjukan subjek kalimat.

Verbs yang sanggup dipakai untuk menjembatani subjek kalimat dengan adjective (disebut predicative adjective), dengan noun (disebut predicative nominative), atau dengan adverb ini, secara kolektif disebut linking atau copulative verbs.

Linking verb yang sempurna dipakai untuk ketiga kalimat di atas ialah be (i.e. is, am, are, was, were, be, been), dengan mengikuti referensi berikut :

Subject + Be + Adjective/Noun/Adverb

Dengan catatan :
  • Be menjadi is, am atau are pada kalimat yang memakai simple present tense (see referensi 1) dan present continuous (see referensi 2).
  • Be menjadi was atau were pada kalimat yang memakai simple past tense (see referensi 3) dan past continuous (see referensi 4).
  • Be menjadi been pada kalimat yang memakai perfect tenses (see referensi 5, 6, 7 ,8, 13, 14, 15 & 16).
  • Be tetap be (simple form) pada kalimat yang memakai future tenses (see referensi 9, 10, 11 & 12).
  • Be diikuti oleh being (yaitu, untuk memberi makna sedang in action) pada kalimat-kalimat progressive (see referensi 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 & 16).

Berikut ialah pola-pola penggunaan be pada setiap tenses/aspek dalam Bahasa Inggris :

1. Subject + is/am/are + adjective/noun/adverb [Simple Present]
  • He is sick.
  • I am a student.
  • They are here.

2. Subject + is/am/are + being + adjective/noun/adverb [Present Continuous]
  • He is being sick.
  • I am being a student.
  • They are being here.

3. Subject + was/were + adjective/noun/adverb [Simple Past]
  • He was sick.
  • I was a student.
  • They were here.

4. Subject + was/were + being + adjective/noun/adverb [Past Continuous]
  • He was being sick.
  • I was being a student.
  • They were being here.

5. Subject + has/have + been + adjective/noun/adverb [Present Perfect]
  • He has been sick.
  • I have been a student.
  • They have been here.

6. Subject + has/have + been + being + adjective/noun [Present Perfect Continuous]
  • He has been being sick.
  • I have been being a student.
  • They have been being here.

7. Subject + had + been + adjective/noun/adverb [Past Perfect]
  • He had been sick.
  • I had been a student.
  • They had been here.

8. Subject + had + been + being + adjective/noun/adverb [Past Perfect Continuous]
  • He had been being sick.
  • I had been being a student.
  • They had been being here.

9. Subject + will + be + adjective/noun/adverb [Simple Future]
  • He will be sick.
  • I will be a student.
  • They will be here.

10. Subject + will be + being + adjective/noun/adverb [Future Continuous]
  • He will be being sick.
  • I will be being a student.
  • They will be being here.

11. Subject + would + be + adjective/noun/adverb [Past Future]
  • He would be sick.
  • I would be a student.
  • They would be here.

12. Subject + would + be + being + adjective/noun/adverb [Past Future Continuous]
  • He would be being sick.
  • I would be being a student.
  • They would be being here.

13. Subject + will + have + been + adjective/noun/adverb [Future Perfect]
  • He will have been sick.
  • I will have been a student.
  • They will have been here.

14. Subject + will + have + been + being + adjective/noun/adverb [Future Perfect Continuous]
  • He will have been being sick.
  • I will have been being a student.
  • They will have been being here.

15. Subject + would + have + been + adjective/noun/adverb [Past Future Perfect]
  • He would have been sick.
  • I would have been a student.
  • They would have been here.

16. Subject + would + have + been + being + adjective/noun/adverb [Past Future Perfect Continuous]
  • He would have been being sick.
  • I would have been being a student.
  • They would have been being here.

Note & Remember :
Di referensi kalimat nomor 9, 10, 11 & 12 di atas, gres penggunaan be sehabis modal auxiliary will dan would.

The simple form of be juga dipakai sehabis modal auxiliary lainnya, seperti, can, may, might, shall, should, must, have to (simple future), dan could, might, should, had to (future in the past).
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Kamis, 17 Maret 2016

Penggunaan Articles Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Penggunaan Articles Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Articles are determiners. The articles are a/an (indefinite article) and the (definite article). The can be used before all common nouns (singular and plural, countable or uncountable). A/An can be used only with singular countable nouns.

Pengertian Articles dan Determiner

Articles yaitu kata yang digabungkan dengan kata benda (nouns) yang berfungsi untuk membatasi atau memodifikasi kata benda. Dalam Bahasa Inggris, hanya ada 3 article, yaitu a, an dan the.

Determiner yaitu kata atau kelompok kata yang ditempatkan di depan noun untuk membatasi makna noun tersebut.

We use a/an when the listeners doesn't know which thing we mean, we use the when it is clear which thing we mean.

Maksudnya adalah, a/an dipakai dikala lawan bicara/pendengar tidak mengetahui hal/benda yang kita maksud, sedangkan the dipakai dikala hal/benda yang kita maksud sudah terang diketahui.

Contoh :
  • Tom sat down on a chair (Tom duduk di kursi).

Dalam tumpuan di atas, kita tahu Tom duduk di kursi, tapi kita tidak tahu dingklik yang mana yang di duduki oleh Tom.

  • Tom sat down on the chair nearest the door (Tom duduk di dingklik bersahabat pintu).
Sedangkan dalam tumpuan kalimat ini, kita tahun Tom duduk di dingklik yang mana alasannya yaitu disebutkan dengan jelas.

Selain itu, articles the dipakai dikala suatu benda atau orang yang disebutkan terang maksud dan keberadaannya.

Misalnya saja, dalam sebuah ruangan kita tengah berbicara mengenai sebuah lampu/lantai/pintu/meja, dan benda lainnya yang terdapat (disekitar) diruangan tersebut.

Contoh :
  • Can you turn off the light, please? (mematikan lampu yang ada diruangan)
  • Where is the toilet, please? (menanyakan toilet yang ada disekitar ruangan tersebut)

Contoh penggunaan articles dalam kalimat Bahasa Inggris :
  • Ann is looking for a job.
  • Did Ann get the job she applied for?
  • The postman was late this morning.
  • I took taxi to the station.
  • I must go to the bank to change some money and the I'm going to the post office to buy some stamps.
  • John isn't very well. He has gone to the doctor.
  • There was a man and a woman in the room. The man was English but the woman looked foreign. She was wearing a fur coat.

Terdapat sejumlah hukum yang perlu dipahami dikala memakai article "the" dalam sebuah kalimat bahasa Inggris, yaitu :

1. The sebagai perujuk noun yang sudah pernah disebutkan sebelumnya

Pada umumnya, article the dipakai untuk merujuk noun yang sudah disebutkan sebelumnya. Dengan adanya "the", noun yang dimaksud akan menjadi lebih spesifik.

Noun tersebut sanggup berupa uncountable noun, ataupun countable noun. Dan kalau noun tersebut berupa countable noun, maka noun tersebut sanggup berbentuk singular, dan sanggup juga berbentuk plural.

Hematnya, dalam konteks ini, "the" mempunyai arti "tersebut" atau "itu", dan terkadang "ini".

Contoh 1 :

I met a guy last night. The guy asked my number, and whether I would go out for a date.

Arti Kata

Date : Kencan
Number : Nomor Telepon

Dalam kalimat diatas, "the" sanggup digantikan dengan "that".

Contoh 2 :

The water in my well is contaminated

Arti Kata

Well : Sumur
Contaminated : Terkontaminasi

Dalam kalimat diatas, the tidak pas kalau digantikan dengan that, alasannya yaitu "water" dalam kalimat diatas sudah diterangkan dalam "in my well".

Contoh 3 :

Three students didn’t perform well in my exam. The (three) students hadn’t studied hard enough before the exam.

Dalam tumpuan kalimat diatas, kata three yaitu optional (bisa digunakan/dihilangkan), alasannya yaitu maknanya sudah dipahami oleh lawan bicara atau pembaca.

Dalam kalimat tersebut, the sanggup digantikan dengan those/these. Tetapi apabila anda merasa ragu dalam penggunaan those/these, sebaiknya dan akan lebih kondusif kalau anda tetap memakai the.

Contoh 4 :

There are many persons named Agnes Monica on Facebook. You will have hard time to find the Agnes Monica who sings Matahariku.

Sebaliknya, the tidak dipakai kalau kita membicarakan uncountable nouns atau plural nouns secara umum.

Contoh :
  • Water needs to be conserved. (Air perlu dikonservasi/dilindungi).
  • Sugar is sweet. (Gula (rasanya) manis).
  • Durians are very smelly. (Duarian-durian sangat bau/baunya keras).
  • Lazy students hardly get good grades. (Murid-murid yang malas hampir tidak pernah menerima nilai-nilai bagus).

2. Kata yang perlu dan tidak perlu memakai The

Kata menyerupai breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper dinner, school, home, dan college pada umumnya tidak membutuhkan article the. Tetapi, kalau noun tersebut dirujuk, barulah article the diperlukan.

Contoh :
  • We go to school everyday. Starting next week, however, the school will be bulldozed by the government. (be bulldozed : diratakan dengan tanah dengan memakai bulldozer).
  • Jenny and I just finished having lunch at the cafetaria. I thanked her because she paid for the lunch.
  • I am very tired. I’d like to go home.

3. Menentukan penggunaan article the

Aturan lainnya dalam memilih apakah article the perlu dipakai atau tidak, sanggup dilihat pada tabel berikut.

Note :
The yang dipakai pada nouns di tabel berikut pada umumnya tidak berarti "tersebut", olehnya itu, tidak sanggup digantikan dengan that.

Gunakan THE untuk :

Penggunaan THEContoh
Nama samudra, laut, sungai, teluk, plural lakes (nama danau yang terdiri dari 2 danau atau lebih)the Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, the Java Sea, the Persian Gulf, the Great Lakes, the Citarum River
Nama pegununganthe Rocky Mountains, the Andes, the Bukit Barisan
Earth, moon, sunthe earth, the moon, the sun
Nama sekolah, universitas, college kalau sekolah, universitas, college ditempatkan di depan.the School of Cooper’s Art, the University of Gadjah Mada, the college of Arts and Sciences.
Ordinal number sebelum nounsthe Second World War, the third chapter
Nama perang (kecuali perang dunia)the Korean War, the Crimean War, the Civil War
Nama negara yang terdiri dari 2 kata atau lebih (kecuali Great Britain)the United States of America, the Central African Republic
Dokumen bersejarahthe constitution, the Magna Carta
Nama negara kalau hanya terdiri dari satu kata
Nama Olahraga
Nama hari raya

Jangan gunakan THE untuk :

Penggunaan THEContoh
Nama danauLake Toba, Lake Batur, Lake Erie
Nama gunungMount Merapi, Mount Semeru, Mount Kilimanjaro. Mount Everest.
Nama planet (selain Bumi), rasi bintangMars, Venus, Orion.
Nama sekolah, universitas, college kalau sekolah, universitas, college ditempatkan di belakang.Cooper’s Art school, Gadjah Mada University, Sante Fe Community College.
Cardinal number sesudah nounsWorld War Two, Chapter three.
Nama Negara yang terdiri dari 1 kataIndonesia, China, Canada, France
Nama benuaAsia, Europe, South America
Nama state/provinceFlorida, Ohio, California, Manitoba, Jawa Timur, Sulawesi Utara.
Nama cabang olahragaBasketball, football, tennis
Abstract nounFreedom, happiness
Bidang ilmuMathematics, economics, sociology
Nama hari rayaChristmas, Thanksgiving, Eid Mubarak/ Eid al-Fitr, Independence day

Contoh kalimat yang memakai article THE

  • Bryan Adams was born in Canada, but he lives in Great Britain. Celine Dion is also a Canadian born singer, but she lives in the United States now.
  • The Great Lakes consist of five lakes one of which is Lake Ontario.
  • The earth travels around the sun, and so does Mars.
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Penggunaan Articles Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Penggunaan Articles Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Articles are determiners. The articles are a/an (indefinite article) and the (definite article). The can be used before all common nouns (singular and plural, countable or uncountable). A/An can be used only with singular countable nouns.

Pengertian Articles dan Determiner

Articles yaitu kata yang digabungkan dengan kata benda (nouns) yang berfungsi untuk membatasi atau memodifikasi kata benda. Dalam Bahasa Inggris, hanya ada 3 article, yaitu a, an dan the.

Determiner yaitu kata atau kelompok kata yang ditempatkan di depan noun untuk membatasi makna noun tersebut.

We use a/an when the listeners doesn't know which thing we mean, we use the when it is clear which thing we mean.

Maksudnya adalah, a/an dipakai dikala lawan bicara/pendengar tidak mengetahui hal/benda yang kita maksud, sedangkan the dipakai dikala hal/benda yang kita maksud sudah terang diketahui.

Contoh :
  • Tom sat down on a chair (Tom duduk di kursi).

Dalam tumpuan di atas, kita tahu Tom duduk di kursi, tapi kita tidak tahu dingklik yang mana yang di duduki oleh Tom.

  • Tom sat down on the chair nearest the door (Tom duduk di dingklik bersahabat pintu).
Sedangkan dalam tumpuan kalimat ini, kita tahun Tom duduk di dingklik yang mana alasannya yaitu disebutkan dengan jelas.

Selain itu, articles the dipakai dikala suatu benda atau orang yang disebutkan terang maksud dan keberadaannya.

Misalnya saja, dalam sebuah ruangan kita tengah berbicara mengenai sebuah lampu/lantai/pintu/meja, dan benda lainnya yang terdapat (disekitar) diruangan tersebut.

Contoh :
  • Can you turn off the light, please? (mematikan lampu yang ada diruangan)
  • Where is the toilet, please? (menanyakan toilet yang ada disekitar ruangan tersebut)

Contoh penggunaan articles dalam kalimat Bahasa Inggris :
  • Ann is looking for a job.
  • Did Ann get the job she applied for?
  • The postman was late this morning.
  • I took taxi to the station.
  • I must go to the bank to change some money and the I'm going to the post office to buy some stamps.
  • John isn't very well. He has gone to the doctor.
  • There was a man and a woman in the room. The man was English but the woman looked foreign. She was wearing a fur coat.

Terdapat sejumlah hukum yang perlu dipahami dikala memakai article "the" dalam sebuah kalimat bahasa Inggris, yaitu :

1. The sebagai perujuk noun yang sudah pernah disebutkan sebelumnya

Pada umumnya, article the dipakai untuk merujuk noun yang sudah disebutkan sebelumnya. Dengan adanya "the", noun yang dimaksud akan menjadi lebih spesifik.

Noun tersebut sanggup berupa uncountable noun, ataupun countable noun. Dan kalau noun tersebut berupa countable noun, maka noun tersebut sanggup berbentuk singular, dan sanggup juga berbentuk plural.

Hematnya, dalam konteks ini, "the" mempunyai arti "tersebut" atau "itu", dan terkadang "ini".

Contoh 1 :

I met a guy last night. The guy asked my number, and whether I would go out for a date.

Arti Kata

Date : Kencan
Number : Nomor Telepon

Dalam kalimat diatas, "the" sanggup digantikan dengan "that".

Contoh 2 :

The water in my well is contaminated

Arti Kata

Well : Sumur
Contaminated : Terkontaminasi

Dalam kalimat diatas, the tidak pas kalau digantikan dengan that, alasannya yaitu "water" dalam kalimat diatas sudah diterangkan dalam "in my well".

Contoh 3 :

Three students didn’t perform well in my exam. The (three) students hadn’t studied hard enough before the exam.

Dalam tumpuan kalimat diatas, kata three yaitu optional (bisa digunakan/dihilangkan), alasannya yaitu maknanya sudah dipahami oleh lawan bicara atau pembaca.

Dalam kalimat tersebut, the sanggup digantikan dengan those/these. Tetapi apabila anda merasa ragu dalam penggunaan those/these, sebaiknya dan akan lebih kondusif kalau anda tetap memakai the.

Contoh 4 :

There are many persons named Agnes Monica on Facebook. You will have hard time to find the Agnes Monica who sings Matahariku.

Sebaliknya, the tidak dipakai kalau kita membicarakan uncountable nouns atau plural nouns secara umum.

Contoh :
  • Water needs to be conserved. (Air perlu dikonservasi/dilindungi).
  • Sugar is sweet. (Gula (rasanya) manis).
  • Durians are very smelly. (Duarian-durian sangat bau/baunya keras).
  • Lazy students hardly get good grades. (Murid-murid yang malas hampir tidak pernah menerima nilai-nilai bagus).

2. Kata yang perlu dan tidak perlu memakai The

Kata menyerupai breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper dinner, school, home, dan college pada umumnya tidak membutuhkan article the. Tetapi, kalau noun tersebut dirujuk, barulah article the diperlukan.

Contoh :
  • We go to school everyday. Starting next week, however, the school will be bulldozed by the government. (be bulldozed : diratakan dengan tanah dengan memakai bulldozer).
  • Jenny and I just finished having lunch at the cafetaria. I thanked her because she paid for the lunch.
  • I am very tired. I’d like to go home.

3. Menentukan penggunaan article the

Aturan lainnya dalam memilih apakah article the perlu dipakai atau tidak, sanggup dilihat pada tabel berikut.

Note :
The yang dipakai pada nouns di tabel berikut pada umumnya tidak berarti "tersebut", olehnya itu, tidak sanggup digantikan dengan that.

Gunakan THE untuk :

Penggunaan THEContoh
Nama samudra, laut, sungai, teluk, plural lakes (nama danau yang terdiri dari 2 danau atau lebih)the Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, the Java Sea, the Persian Gulf, the Great Lakes, the Citarum River
Nama pegununganthe Rocky Mountains, the Andes, the Bukit Barisan
Earth, moon, sunthe earth, the moon, the sun
Nama sekolah, universitas, college kalau sekolah, universitas, college ditempatkan di depan.the School of Cooper’s Art, the University of Gadjah Mada, the college of Arts and Sciences.
Ordinal number sebelum nounsthe Second World War, the third chapter
Nama perang (kecuali perang dunia)the Korean War, the Crimean War, the Civil War
Nama negara yang terdiri dari 2 kata atau lebih (kecuali Great Britain)the United States of America, the Central African Republic
Dokumen bersejarahthe constitution, the Magna Carta
Nama negara kalau hanya terdiri dari satu kata
Nama Olahraga
Nama hari raya

Jangan gunakan THE untuk :

Penggunaan THEContoh
Nama danauLake Toba, Lake Batur, Lake Erie
Nama gunungMount Merapi, Mount Semeru, Mount Kilimanjaro. Mount Everest.
Nama planet (selain Bumi), rasi bintangMars, Venus, Orion.
Nama sekolah, universitas, college kalau sekolah, universitas, college ditempatkan di belakang.Cooper’s Art school, Gadjah Mada University, Sante Fe Community College.
Cardinal number sesudah nounsWorld War Two, Chapter three.
Nama Negara yang terdiri dari 1 kataIndonesia, China, Canada, France
Nama benuaAsia, Europe, South America
Nama state/provinceFlorida, Ohio, California, Manitoba, Jawa Timur, Sulawesi Utara.
Nama cabang olahragaBasketball, football, tennis
Abstract nounFreedom, happiness
Bidang ilmuMathematics, economics, sociology
Nama hari rayaChristmas, Thanksgiving, Eid Mubarak/ Eid al-Fitr, Independence day

Contoh kalimat yang memakai article THE

  • Bryan Adams was born in Canada, but he lives in Great Britain. Celine Dion is also a Canadian born singer, but she lives in the United States now.
  • The Great Lakes consist of five lakes one of which is Lake Ontario.
  • The earth travels around the sun, and so does Mars.
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Selasa, 15 Maret 2016

Cara Gampang Mempelajari Grammar Bahasa Inggris

Cara Gampang Mempelajari Grammar Bahasa Inggris

Belajar Grammar Bahasa Inggris — memang tidak mudah, alasannya ada 16 tenses yang harus kita pelajari.

Namun Grammar ialah hal yang mutlak harus Anda kuasai dalam bahasa inggris, semua aspek dalam bahasa inggris memerlukan grammar yang baik, mulai dari reading, speaking, listening, dan writing.

Jika Anda ingin mengerjakan soal-soal TOEFL, penguasaan grammar atau tatabahasa dalam bahasa inggris juga akan memudahkan anda.

Grammar ialah ilmu yang mempelajari wacana cara penyusunan kata yang mempunyai wujud tertentu menjadi sebuah kalimat yang tepat.

Atau dengan kata lainnya, Grammar ialah seperangkat hukum struktural yang mengatur komposisi klausa, frase dan kata-kata dalam bahasa alami yang diberikan.

Istilah ini mengacu juga pada studi hukum tersebut, dan bidang ini mencakup morfologi, sintaksis, dan fonologi, sering dilengkapi dengan fonetik,semantik, dan pragmatik.

Tips Belajar Grammar Bahasa Inggris

1. Dimulai dengan Hal yang Mendasar

Menguasai hal dasar sangat penting dan merupakan langkah awal dalam mulai mencar ilmu bahasa inggris.

Hal dasar yang dimaksud disini contohnya menguasai :
  • Simple tense
  • Verb
  • Adverb
  • Adjective
  • Phrase
  • Clause, dan hal hal dasar lainnya.

Jika Anda mempunyai dasar, pembelajaran berikutnya sudah gampang untuk dipelajari.

2. Ubah Kebiasaanmu!

Ubah kebiasaan untuk lebih mempelajari bahasa Inggris, menyerupai kalau selama ini Anda mendengarkan musik bahasa indonesia, cobalah menggantinya dengan musik lagu yang berbahasa inggris.

Hal lain yaitu film, bacaan dan segala hal yang berafiliasi dengan bahasa Inggris, menjadi kebiasaan yang mempermudah mencar ilmu grammar bahasa Inggris.

3. Pratekan, Berusaha, dan Tingkatkan!

Praktek sangat diharapkan dalam keterampilan berbahasa Inggris.
Bila masih banyak yang salah, jangan menyerah.

Yakinlah bila terus menerus praktek maka usang kelamaan gampang dalam penerapannya.
Jangan lupa menghafal susunannya, semoga gampang dalam penerapannya.

4. Manfaatkan Kamus

Kamus sanggup digunakan bila ada Anda menemukan kata yang masih kurang dimengerti.

5. Manfaatkan Teknologi

Maksimalkanlah penggunaan ponsel, komputer, laptop, ataupun smartphone kalian untuk dijadikan sarana mencar ilmu yang mudah,cepat dan tidak membosankan

6. Menghafal Susunan Tenses dengan Bentuk Kalimat Positif

Kita lupakan sejenak segala bentuk interrogative dan negative semoga sanggup fokus pada bentuk konkret ini, dan mencoba menciptakan satu kalimat sederhana di selembar kertas.

Good Luck!
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Cara Gampang Mempelajari Grammar Bahasa Inggris

Cara Gampang Mempelajari Grammar Bahasa Inggris

Belajar Grammar Bahasa Inggris — memang tidak mudah, alasannya ada 16 tenses yang harus kita pelajari.

Namun Grammar ialah hal yang mutlak harus Anda kuasai dalam bahasa inggris, semua aspek dalam bahasa inggris memerlukan grammar yang baik, mulai dari reading, speaking, listening, dan writing.

Jika Anda ingin mengerjakan soal-soal TOEFL, penguasaan grammar atau tatabahasa dalam bahasa inggris juga akan memudahkan anda.

Grammar ialah ilmu yang mempelajari wacana cara penyusunan kata yang mempunyai wujud tertentu menjadi sebuah kalimat yang tepat.

Atau dengan kata lainnya, Grammar ialah seperangkat hukum struktural yang mengatur komposisi klausa, frase dan kata-kata dalam bahasa alami yang diberikan.

Istilah ini mengacu juga pada studi hukum tersebut, dan bidang ini mencakup morfologi, sintaksis, dan fonologi, sering dilengkapi dengan fonetik,semantik, dan pragmatik.

Tips Belajar Grammar Bahasa Inggris

1. Dimulai dengan Hal yang Mendasar

Menguasai hal dasar sangat penting dan merupakan langkah awal dalam mulai mencar ilmu bahasa inggris.

Hal dasar yang dimaksud disini contohnya menguasai :
  • Simple tense
  • Verb
  • Adverb
  • Adjective
  • Phrase
  • Clause, dan hal hal dasar lainnya.

Jika Anda mempunyai dasar, pembelajaran berikutnya sudah gampang untuk dipelajari.

2. Ubah Kebiasaanmu!

Ubah kebiasaan untuk lebih mempelajari bahasa Inggris, menyerupai kalau selama ini Anda mendengarkan musik bahasa indonesia, cobalah menggantinya dengan musik lagu yang berbahasa inggris.

Hal lain yaitu film, bacaan dan segala hal yang berafiliasi dengan bahasa Inggris, menjadi kebiasaan yang mempermudah mencar ilmu grammar bahasa Inggris.

3. Pratekan, Berusaha, dan Tingkatkan!

Praktek sangat diharapkan dalam keterampilan berbahasa Inggris.
Bila masih banyak yang salah, jangan menyerah.

Yakinlah bila terus menerus praktek maka usang kelamaan gampang dalam penerapannya.
Jangan lupa menghafal susunannya, semoga gampang dalam penerapannya.

4. Manfaatkan Kamus

Kamus sanggup digunakan bila ada Anda menemukan kata yang masih kurang dimengerti.

5. Manfaatkan Teknologi

Maksimalkanlah penggunaan ponsel, komputer, laptop, ataupun smartphone kalian untuk dijadikan sarana mencar ilmu yang mudah,cepat dan tidak membosankan

6. Menghafal Susunan Tenses dengan Bentuk Kalimat Positif

Kita lupakan sejenak segala bentuk interrogative dan negative semoga sanggup fokus pada bentuk konkret ini, dan mencoba menciptakan satu kalimat sederhana di selembar kertas.

Good Luck!
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Membuat Kalimat Memakai Adverb

Membuat kalimat memakai adverb

Sebelumnya kita singgung dahulu apa itu adverb? Ya adverb ialah kata keterangan. Kata keterangan ada :

1.  Keterangan waktu
2.  Keterangan tempat
3.  Keterangan cara/tingkah
4.  Keterangan jumlah
5.  Keterangan intensitas dll.
Fungsi dari adverb juga majemuk yang pada pada dasarnya itu adverb menunjukan sebuah kejadian, baik itu kapan, dimana, atau bagaimana dll.
Berikut ini menciptakan kalimat memakai adverb.
1.  Keterangan waktu
a.  Yesterday Mujab called me
b.  Last nightthey made campfire
c.  Tomorrow Sono will come here
d.  I will arrive at home at 9 pm
e.  You met Ulan in the afternoon

2.  Keterangan tempat
a.  In the canteen she bought many foods
b.  They went to Sikunir
c.  Ivin studies English in the living room
d.  Iqbal is being in Brebes
e.  Budi works in the good hotel

3.  Keterangan cara/tingkah
a.  I walk slowly
b.  Some students studied the lesson lazily
c.  Riko sings the song beautifully
d.  They meet me happily
e.  Adhirga served the meal quickly

4.  Keterangan jumlah
a.  I often call my brother
b.  Andon sometimes sends me sms
c.  Galih always replies my sms
d.  Indra never chats about that
e.  He frequently looks down at me

5.  Keterangan intensitas dll.
a.  Arina is very beautiful
b.  They are very kind
c.  He is so kind person
d.  It is absolutely Imam
e.  My motorcycle is rather slow
Demikianlah artikel aku mengenai menciptakan kalimat memakai adverb. Semoga bermanfaat. Tetaplah di tresno English ya ...... terima kasih

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